How Kate Actress, lover, spent his birthday
Here are some reactions from social media users:
- @shee Shiro commented: “Unaweza olewa halafu urudi upatane na the love of your life. Maisha wewe.” (You can get married and then come back to find the love of your life. Life, wow.)
- @Mourine asked: “Phil anafeel aje saa hii?” (How is Phil feeling right now?)
- @Annet Kariuki noted: “Yaani ulioga na ukarudi soko chap chap.” (So you bathed and went back to the market quickly.)
- @Its_Molly remarked: “Kumbe unaweza pata the love of your life at any stage. Bado ni mapema wadau.” (So you can find the love of your life at any stage. It’s still early, folks.)
- @Elu said: “Being loved right. No need ya kucheza chini, go where you are happy.” (Being loved correctly. No need to settle for less; go where you are happy.)
- @Joy expressed: “I want to be Kate Actress when I grow up.” (I want to be like Kate Actress when I grow up.)
- @Miss_Njeri shared: “I want to be loved right.” (I want to be loved correctly.)
- @Pinah commented: “Aki love looks good on people. Then there is me, mnyama pori.” (Wow, love looks good on people. Then there’s me, a wild animal.)
- @Jean said: “Huyu sasa ndio type yako.” (This one is definitely your type.)
- @Mercy Shiru noted: “You just gave me hope that one day love will find me. I am going to be patient.” (You’ve given me hope that one day love will find me. I’m going to be patient.)
- @Miss_Mutisya added: “She said you should not be afraid to start over again. This is her third time.” (She said you shouldn’t be afraid to start over again. This is her third time.)
- @Noela remarked: “Kumbe being loved right is never too late.” (So being loved cor
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